Important Information Regarding Electronic Communication
Account Assure® Disclosure Statement
Your purchase of Account Assure is optional. Whether or not you purchase Account Assure will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any existing Credit Card Agreement you have with Comenity Bank.
The fee for Account Assure is only $1.99 per $100 of your monthly statement balance, which is your balance on the last day of each billing period. This fee is charged even if you pay off the balance in full by the payment due date. If your statement balance is zero, there is no fee charged for that month.
You have the right to cancel Account Assure at any time. The Bank has the right to cancel Account Assure in the following circumstances:
There are eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions that could prevent you from receiving Benefits under Account Assure. You may find a complete explanation of the eligibility requirements, conditions and exclusions in the Account Assure Terms and Conditions Addendum below. Whether or not you qualify for all the Benefits, the fee for Account Assure is still $1.99 per $100 of your monthly statement balance which is your balance on the last day of each billing period.
Account Assure
Terms and Conditions
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. They explain provisions, limitations and procedures applicable to Account Assure.
Account Assure is an optional addendum to the Credit Card Agreement ("Agreement") for the Account referenced on the welcome letter ("Protected Account"). Capitalized terms not defined in these Account Assure Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions") refer to defined terms in your Agreement and are incorporated herein. In consideration of a monthly fee and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions the Eligible Account Balance on a Protected Account may be canceled if you experience an Eligible Event.
As used in these Terms and Conditions, "you" and "your" mean the Primary Cardholder and/or the Joint Cardholder (if applicable) on the Protected Account.
1) Definitions
Authorized User means a person authorized to use the Protected Account who is not responsible for payment obligations on the Protected Account. Authorized Users are not eligible for any Benefits under these Terms and Conditions.
Benefit means the cancellation of the Eligible Account Balance on a Protected Account in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Benefit Form means a document available from the Plan Administrator that must be submitted to verify an Eligible Event and process a Benefit.
Date of Loss means the date in relation to which the Eligible Account Balance will be determined for purposes of assessing the Benefit to which you may be entitled.
Eligible Account Balance means the account balance owed on your Protected Account at the end of the day before the Date of Loss, except for Loss of Life. For Loss of Life, the Eligible Account Balance is the account balance owed on your Protected Account as of the date of your death provided on the death certificate or the date the Plan Administrator is notified of the death in the event we do not have the date of death on record. Only credit card transactions, charges and fees posted to your Protected Account before the Date of Loss qualify. The posting date can vary from the actual date of purchase.
Eligible Event means Involuntary Unemployment, Disability, Family Leave of Absence, Loss of Life, Identity Theft, or Hospitalization, as defined below.
Eligibility Date means the date on which you become eligible to receive a Benefit.
Enrollment Date means the date of your enrollment in Account Assure, which is printed on your welcome letter.
Good Standing means your Protected Account is less than 90 days past due.
Hospital means any licensed medical hospital, acute care facility, convalescent nursing facility, residential drug facility, psychiatric facility, hospice facility, or licensed nursing home.
Involuntary Termination means unemployment resulting from lay-off, employer termination, generalized strike, unionized labor dispute or lockout.
Joint Cardholder means a cardholder who is jointly responsible with the Primary Cardholder for payment obligations on the Protected Account. A Joint Cardholder is not eligible for any Benefits under these Terms and Conditions.
Monthly Statement Balance means the "New Balance" on your monthly statement for the Protected Account—in other words, your Account balance on the last day of each billing period.
Permanent Employment means Permanent Full-Time Employment or Permanent Part-Time Employment.
Permanent Full-Time Employment means 30 hours or more per week of paid permanent employment.
Permanent Part-Time Employment means 20 hours or more per week of paid permanent employment.
Plan Administrator provides customer assistance for the Account Assure plan and can be contacted for inquiries regarding the plan by calling toll free 1-866-810-8683, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) or by visiting
Primary Cardholder means the cardholder who is listed first on the monthly statement for the Protected Account.
2) Additional Eligibility Requirements
Subject to these Terms and Conditions, the Primary Cardholder may be eligible for each Benefit type listed in the proceeding section. Benefits will not be provided due to a Joint Cardholder or an Authorized User experiencing an Eligible Event.
In addition to all other requirements in these Terms and Conditions, you must also meet the requirements for each specific Benefit in the proceeding section in order to qualify for a Benefit and:
Involuntary Unemployment
Family Leave of Absence
Loss of Life
Identity Theft
3) Required Documentation
In addition to a completed Benefit Form, we may require additional documentation described below so that we can evaluate your eligibility for a Benefit. Benefit Forms and other required documentation must be sent within 45 calendar days of the Benefit request.
4) Benefit Amount and Application of Benefits to Protected Account
5) How to Request a Benefit
6) Multiple Eligible Events
7) Waiver of Requirements
8) Account Assure Cancellation and Termination
9) Account Assure Fees
10) Change in Terms
11) Potential Tax Impact
12) Jury Trial Waiver/Arbitration Provision
13) Other Provisions
Account Assure Pro® Disclosure Statement
Your purchase of Account Assure Pro is optional. Whether or not you purchase Account Assure will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any existing Credit Card Agreement you have with Comenity Bank.
The fee for Account Assure Pro is only $0.89 per $100 of your monthly statement balance, which is your balance on the last day of each billing period. This fee is charged even if you pay off the balance in full by the payment due date. If your statement balance is zero, there is no fee charged for that month.
You have the right to cancel Account Assure Pro at any time. The Bank has the right to cancel Account Assure Pro in the following circumstances:
There are eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions that could prevent you from receiving Benefits under Account Assure Pro. You may find a complete explanation of the eligibility requirements, conditions and exclusions in the Account Assure Pro Terms and Conditions Addendum below. Whether or not you qualify for all the Benefits, the fee for Account Assure Pro is still $0.89 per $100 of your monthly statement balance which is your balance on the last day of each billing period.
Account Assure Pro
Terms and Conditions
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. They explain provisions, limitations and procedures applicable to Account Assure Pro.
Account Assure Pro is an optional addendum to the Credit Card Agreement ("Agreement") for the Account referenced on the welcome letter ("Protected Account"). Capitalized terms not defined in these Account Assure Pro Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions") refer to defined terms in your Agreement and are incorporated herein. In consideration of a monthly fee and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions the Eligible Account Balance or the Eligible Minimum Payment Due on a Protected Account may be canceled if you experience an Eligible Event.
As used in these Terms and Conditions, "you" and "your" mean the Primary Cardholder on the Protected Account.
1) Definitions
Authorized User means a person authorized to use the Protected Account who is not responsible for payment obligations on the Protected Account. Authorized Users are not eligible for any Benefits under these terms and conditions.
Benefit means the cancellation of the Eligible Account Balance or the Eligible Minimum Payment Due on a Protected Account, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Benefit Form means a document available from the Plan Administrator that must be submitted to verify an Eligible Event and process a Benefit.
Date of Loss means the date in relation to which the Eligible Account Balance or Eligible Minimum Payment Due will be determined for purposes of assessing the Benefit to which you are entitled.
Eligible Account Balance means the account balance owed on your Protected Account at the end of the day before the Date of Loss, except for Loss of Life. For Loss of Life, the Eligible Account Balance is the account balance owed on your Protected Account as of the date of your death provided on the death certificate or the date the Plan Administrator is notified of the death in the event we do not have the date of death on record. Only credit card transactions, charges, and fees posted to your Protected Account before the Date of Loss qualify. The posting date can vary from the actual date of purchase.
Eligible Minimum Payment Due is the greater of the monthly payment due on your Protected Account immediately before the Date of Loss or the monthly payment due as of the date the Benefit claim is approved. Thereafter, the Eligible Minimum Payment Due for such Eligible Event will be re-determined on a monthly basis as the greater of the then-current monthly payment due on your Protected Account in such month or the monthly payment due immediately before the Date of Loss, and will continue to be credited each month up to the Maximum Period of Benefits so long as you meet the qualification and eligibility requirements, and the Plan Administrator continues to receive completed Monthly Benefit Continuation Forms, if required pursuant to Section 3 the Required Documentation section below.
Eligible Event means Involuntary Unemployment, Disability, Family Leave of Absence, Loss of Life, Identity Theft, or Hospitalization, as defined in the subsequent section below.
Eligibility Date means the date on which you become eligible to receive a Benefit.
Enrollment Date means the date of your enrollment in Account Assure Pro, which is printed on your welcome letter.
Good Standing means your Protected Account is less than 90 days past due.
Hospital means any licensed medical hospital, acute care facility, convalescent nursing facility, residential drug facility, psychiatric facility, hospice facility, or licensed nursing home.
Involuntary Termination means unemployment resulting from lay-off, employer termination, generalized strike, unionized labor dispute or lockout.
Joint Cardholder means a cardholder who is jointly responsible with the Primary Cardholder for the payment obligations on the Protected Account. A Joint Cardholder is not eligible for any Benefit under these Terms and Conditions
Maximum Period of Benefits means the maximum number of months for which you may be entitled to receive a Benefit for a particular Eligible Event. The Maximum Period of Benefits for Involuntary Unemployment from Permanent Full-Time Employment, Disability, Family Leave of Absence, and Hospitalization is twelve months per Eligible Event. The Maximum Period of Benefits for Involuntary Unemployment from Permanent Part-Time Unemployment is six months per Eligible Event. The Maximum Period of Benefits for Identity Theft is three months per Eligible Event.
Monthly Benefit Continuation Form means one or more documents that, if required pursuant to Section 3 The Required Documentation section below, we will send to you along with your Benefit approval notice, which you must complete and return to us to verify the continuation of an Eligible Event.
Monthly Statement Balance means the "New Balance" on the monthly statement for the Protected Account—in other words, your account balance on the last day of each billing period.
Permanent Employment means Permanent Full-Time Employment or Permanent Part-Time Employment.
Permanent Full-Time Employment means 30 hours or more per week of paid permanent employment.
Permanent Part-Time Employment means 20 hours or more per week of paid permanent employment.
Plan Administrator provides customer assistance for the Account Assure Pro program and can be contacted for inquiries regarding the program by calling toll free 1-800-695-1346, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) or by visiting
Primary Cardholder means the cardholder who is listed first on the monthly statement for the Protected Account.
Protected Account means a Comenity Bank Credit Card account for which an Account Assure Pro Terms and Conditions is in effect.
2) Additional Eligibility Requirements
Subject to the additional Terms and Conditions, the Primary Cardholder may be eligible for each Benefit type listed in the subsequent section below. Benefits will not be provided due to a Joint Cardholder or an Authorized User experiencing an Eligible Event.
In addition to all other requirements in these Terms and Conditions, you must also meet the requirements for each specific Benefit in the subsequent section below in order to qualify for a Benefit:
Involuntary Unemployment
Family Leave of Absence
Loss of Life
Identity Theft
3) Required Documentation
In addition to a completed Benefit Form, we may require additional documentation described in the subsequent section below so that we can evaluate your eligibility for a Benefit. Benefit Forms and other required documentation must be sent within 45 calendar days of your Benefit request.
4) Benefit Amount and Application of Benefits to Protected Account
5) How to Request a Benefit
6) Multiple Eligible Events
7) Waiver of Requirements
8) Account Assure Pro Cancellation and Termination
9) Account Assure Pro Fees
10) Change in Terms
11) Potential Tax Impact
12) Jury Trial Waiver/Arbitration Provision
13) Other Provisions